
What is Workshop?

Workshop is a daemon which executes jobs from a queue stored in a PostgreSQL database. Multiple instances can run in parallel on different hosts.

The jobs can either be one-time executions according to a preconfigured plan (Workshop classic) or periodic executions managed by hosted users (“cron”).

Installation & Configuration

Workshop (classic):

  1. Create a PostgreSQL database for the queue.

  2. apt-get install cm4all-workshop cm4all-workshop-database

  3. Execute /usr/share/cm4all/workshop/sql/jobs.sql in the PostgreSQL database to create the jobs table.

  4. Grant the required permissions to the Workshop daemon: GRANT SELECT, UPDATE ON jobs TO "cm4all-workshop";

  5. The PostgreSQL user which manages jobs can be configured like this: GRANT INSERT, SELECT, DELETE ON jobs TO workshop_client; and GRANT UPDATE, SELECT ON jobs_id_seq TO workshop_client;

  6. Edit /etc/cm4all/workshop/workshop.conf and set the variable database (PostgreSQL documentation)

  7. systemctl start cm4all-workshop


  1. Create a PostgreSQL database for the queue.

  2. apt-get install cm4all-workshop

  3. Execute /usr/share/cm4all/workshop/sql/cronjobs.sql in the PostgreSQL database to create the cronjobs table.

  4. Grant the required permissions to the Workshop daemon: GRANT SELECT, UPDATE ON cronjobs TO "cm4all-workshop";, GRANT INSERT ON cronresults TO "cm4all-workshop"; and GRANT UPDATE, SELECT ON cronresults_id_seq TO "cm4all-workshop";

  5. The PostgreSQL user which manages jobs can be configured like this: GRANT INSERT, SELECT, DELETE ON cronjobs TO cron_client; and GRANT UPDATE, SELECT ON cronjobs_id_seq TO cron_client;

  6. Edit /etc/cm4all/cron/workshop.conf and set the variable database (PostgreSQL documentation)

  7. systemctl start cm4all-workshop

Settings in /etc/cm4all/workshop/workshop.conf

The file /etc/cm4all/workshop/workshop.conf configures Workshop. The following settings are recognized:

  • node_name: This node’s name, for example the fully-qualified host name. Must be unique in the cluster. By default, the hostname is used.

  • concurrency: How many jobs shall this node execute concurrently? Rule of thumb: number of CPUs, not much more.

  • spawn: opens a block (with curly braces), which configures the process spawner; see spawn.

  • workshop: opens a block (with curly braces), which configures a Workshop classic database:

    • database: the PostgreSQL connect string (PostgreSQL documentation)

    • database_schema: the PostgreSQL schema name (optional)

    • max_log: specifies the maximum amount of log data captured for the log column (units such as kB may be used)

    • journal: set to yes to send structured log messages to the systemd journal

  • translation_server: address the translation server is listening to; must start with / (absolute path) or @ (abstract socket)

  • tag: a string which will be transmitted to the translation server in a LISTENER_TAG packet (optional)

  • cron: opens a block (with curly braces), which configures a cron database (“partition”):

    • cron (the top-level block) may optionally be followed by a partition name (right before the opening curly brace), which will be passed to the translation server in the CRON packet

    • tag: a string which will be transmitted to the translation server in a LISTENER_TAG packet (optional)

    • database: the PostgreSQL connect string (PostgreSQL documentation)

    • database_schema: the PostgreSQL schema name (optional)

    • translation_server: address the translation server is listening to; must start with / (absolute path) or @ (abstract socket)

    • qmqp_server (optional): address the QMQP server is listening to; it is used for email notifications

    • use_qrelay (optional): if yes, then connect to the qrelay socket from within the container to submit notification emails

    • default_email_sender (optional): the default envelope sender for email notifications

    • pond_server (optional): send job log messages to this Pond server; the account_id value is passed as “site”

  • control: opens a block (with curly braces), which configures a control listener (see Controlling the Daemon)

    • bind: The address to bind to. May be the wildcard “*” or an IPv4/IPv6 address followed by a port. IPv6 addresses should be enclosed in square brackets to disambiguate the port separator. Local sockets start with a slash “/”, and abstract sockets start with an at symbol “@”.

    • multicast_group: Join this multicast group, which allows receiving multicast commands. Value is a multicast IPv4/IPv6 address. IPv6 addresses may contain a scope identifier after a percent sign (‘%’).

    • interface: Limit this listener to the given network interface.

The default configuration file includes local.conf and conf.d/*.conf, and you should probably better edit these files instead of editing the main workshop.conf.


Configures the process spawner. Example:

spawn {
  allow_user "www-data"
  allow_group "www-data"
  CPUWeight "50"
  TasksMax "100"
  MemoryHigh "12 GB"
  MemoryMax "16 GB"
  IOWeight "50"
  • allow_user: allow child processes to impersonate the given user. This can be a user name (from /etc/passwd), a numeric user id or an open range (e.g. 2147483648- which allows all user ids from 2147483648 on).

  • allow_group: allow child processes to impersonate the given group.

  • CPUWeight: CPU weight for all spawned processes combined (\(1..10000\)). systemd’s default is 100.

  • TasksMax: maximum number of tasks (\(1..\)). systemd sets no limit by default.

  • MemoryMin: “If the memory usage of a cgroup is within its effective min boundary, the cgroup’s memory won’t be reclaimed under any conditions. If there is no unprotected reclaimable memory available, OOM killer is invoked.” (

  • MemoryLow: “Best-effort memory protection. If the memory usage of a cgroup is within its effective low boundary, the cgroup’s memory won’t be reclaimed unless there is no reclaimable memory available in unprotected cgroups.” (

  • MemoryHigh: “Specify the throttling limit on memory usage of the executed processes in this unit. Memory usage may go above the limit if unavoidable, but the processes are heavily slowed down and memory is taken away aggressively in such cases. This is the main mechanism to control memory usage of a unit.” (systemd.resource-control(5))

  • MemoryMax: “Specify the absolute limit on memory usage of the executed processes in this unit. If memory usage cannot be contained under the limit, out-of-memory killer is invoked inside the unit.” (systemd.resource-control(5))

  • MemorySwapMax: “Swap usage hard limit. If a cgroup’s swap usage reaches this limit, anonymous memory of the cgroup will not be swapped out.” (

  • IOWeight: IO weight for all spawned processes combined (\(1..10000\)). systemd’s default is 100.

Memory limits are in bytes and may be postfixed with kB, MB, GB or TB. Percent values are relative to total physical memory.

Settings in /etc/default/cm4all-workshop

Additionally, the file /etc/default/cm4all-workshop configures how the Workshop daemon is launched. The following settings are recognized:

  • OPTIONS: Other options to be passed to the daemon, for example --verbose.

This file is Workshop 1.0 legacy, and should not be used anymore.

Migrating from Workhop 1.0.x

In Workshop 1.0.x, all configuration options were in the shell-style file /etc/default/cm4all-workshop. That format lacks flexibility and complexity needed for new features in version 2. Therefore, version 2 introduced the structured configuration file /etc/cm4all/workshop/workshop.conf.

Loggers can no longer be configured, because Workshop now relies on systemd and its Journal.

Move CONCURRENCY to workshop.conf as concurrency (lower case).

Move DATABASE to workshop.conf as database in a workshop section, e.g.:

workshop {
  database "dbname=workshop"

Database Migration

Sometimes, new Workshop releases come with changes to the database schema to allow new features. For this, Workshop comes with a migration tool which applies those changes to an existing Workshop database.

To avoid compatibility problems, first upgrade all Workshop nodes and stop all daemons. Then migrate the schema and restart the daemons.

Install the package cm4all-workshop-migrate, and run the tool with the same name.

The regular Workshop user should only have SELECT and UPDATE permissions on the database, and thus cannot run the tool. The easiest solution is to run the tool on the database server as user postgres (the superuser):

su postgres -c 'cm4all-workshop-migrate dbname=workshop'


The queue (a PostgreSQL table) contains a list of jobs. Every daemon instance monitors this queue.

Every job refers to a plan, which must be installed on the node. The plan describes how to execute the job. If a plan is not installed, the node will ignore jobs referring to that plan.

Every cron job contains a schedule in classic cron syntax and a command line to be executed by the shell (/bin/sh).

Using Workshop

Plan Files

The directory /usr/share/cm4all/workshop/plans/ contains a text file for each plan. Example:

exec /usr/bin/my-plan --foo
user "bar"
nice 5

The program /usr/bin/my-plan is executed as user bar with a CPU scheduler priority of 5 (10 is the default if not specified).

The following options are available:

  • exec PROGRAM ARG1 ...: Command line. The program path must be absolute, because Workshop will not consider the PATH.

  • control_channel: see Control Channel.

  • allow_spawn: allow this plan to spawn more child processes through the Control Channel.

  • timeout INTERVAL: A timeout for this plan. If the process does not finish or update its state within this time span, it is assumed to be dead (the timer is reset after each update); the process will be killed and the job will be released, to be executed by another node. Example: 20 minutes or 2 hours.

  • reap_finished INTERVAL: Finished jobs will be deleted by Workshop after the specified duration (though there is no guarantee when Workshop will actually do it). By default, Workshop will never delete finished jobs. Example: 1 hour or 2 days.

  • user USERNAME: The name of the UNIX user which is impersonated by the process. root is not allowed.

  • umask OCTAL: Sets the process umask. The value is an octal number starting with 0.

  • nice PRIO: The CPU scheduler priority, ranging from -20 (high priority) to +19 (low priority). Negative values should be avoided. The default is +10.

  • sched_idle: Select the “idle” CPU scheduling policy, i.e. the process will only get CPU time when no other process runs. (With this policy, the nice value is ignored.)

  • ioprio_idle: Select the “idle” I/O scheduling class, i.e. the process will only be able to access local hard disks when no other process needs them. (Works only with I/O schedulers which support it, e.g. cfq, and has no effect on NFS. Check /sys/block/*/queue/scheduler to see which I/O scheduler is used for a specific device.)

  • idle: Shortcut for sched_idle and ioprio_idle. In this mode, the process should not affect the server’s performance, even if it is a heavy workload. It will only run when the server is idle, and no other tasks need resources.

  • private_network: Run the process in an empty network namespace. It can only use its own private loopback interface and has no network access to the outside world or even the regular loopback interface.

  • private_tmp: Mount an empty tmpfs on /tmp. Its contents will be deleted automatically as soon as the process exits.

  • rlimits L: Configure resource limits. The syntax is the same as the beng-proxy RLIMITS translation packet. Check its documentation for details.

  • chroot PATH: Change the root directory prior to executing the process.

  • concurrency NUM: Limit the number of processes of this plan. The global concurrency setting is still obeyed.

  • rate_limit "MAX/INTERVAL": Limit the rate in which this plan is going to be executed. This rate is cluster-global and the interval is rolling. Example: “20 / 15 minutes” allows no more than 20 executions within 15 minutes. A plan may have multiple rate limits.

In the exec line, the following variables in the form $NAME are expanded:

  • NODE: Name of the Workshop node which executes the job.

  • JOB: Id of the job database record.

  • PLAN: Plan name.

Debian packages which install Workshop plans shall trigger cm4all-workshop-reload-plans. This can be done by writing the following line to the file debian/PACKAGENAME.triggers:

activate cm4all-workshop-reload-plans

Queueing a job

A job consists of a row in the PostgreSQL table. Example:

INSERT INTO jobs(plan_name,args)
VALUES('foo', ARRAY['--bar', 'vol01/foo/bar'])

During job execution, the columns node_name and progress are set. Upon completion, the columns time_done and status contain interesting data.


The package cm4all-workshop-dev contains the tool cm4all-workshop-run-job which allows running a job on the command line without a Workshopm daemon and without a database. This may help during plan/job development.


cm4all-workshop-run-job /usr/bin/my-plan --foo
cm4all-workshop-run-job --control-channel /usr/bin/my-plan --foo

The option --control-channel enables the control channel which behaves like the plan option control_channel; without it, the legacy protocol is enabled which reads progress values from a pipe connected to the child’s stdout.

Using the systemd journal

If the journal option is enabled, then all log output from job processes (text lines printed to stderr) are forwarded to the systemd journal, along with structured data:

  • WORKSHOP_PLAN: the plan name

  • WORKSHOP_JOB: the job id

To see all fields, choose output format verbose or json:

journalctl -u cm4all-workshop -o verbose

For example, to see all log messages of plan foo, type:

journalctl -u cm4all-workshop WORKSHOP_PLAN=foo

To see the log of job 42, type:

journalctl -u cm4all-workshop WORKSHOP_JOB=42

Using Cron

A cron job consists of a row in the PostgreSQL table. Example:

INSERT INTO cronjobs(account_id, schedule, command)
VALUES('foo', '*/15 * * * *', 'echo Hello World');

During job execution, the column node_name is set.

Controlling the Daemon

The control block in the configuration file sets up a control listener. The cm4all-workshop-control program can then be used to send control commands to the daemon. Most commands are only allowed when issued over a local socket by the root user.

The following commands are implemented:

  • nop: No-op, does nothing.


This feature is not to be confused with the Control Channel, which is a way for a job process to control its (re)execution.


Plan Protocol

The environment is empty. There are only two file handles: 1 (standard output, stdout) and 2 (standard error, stderr). 0 (standard input) is not usable; it may point to /dev/null.

The process writes its progress to stdout, i.e. an integer number between 0 and 100 per line. At the end of a line, Workshop writes this number into the job’s database row. (If the plan enables the Control Channel, then this feature is disabled, and the control channel shall be used instead.)

The process may log errors and other messages to stderr. They will be logged to Workshop’s journal. Additionally, the log will be copied to the job’s log column.

Upon successful completion, the process exits with status 0.

Workshop attempts to execute a job exactly once. Under certain rare circumstances, a job can be executed twice (e.g. when the network, the database or the executing host fails). A well-written plan should be reasonably safe when executed twice.

Plans should operate atomic whenever possible. For example, files should be written to a temporary path name first, and only renamed to the final name after all data is committed (or with O_TMPFILE).

The plan should clean up after itself in any case (e.g. delete its temporary files), whether successful or not.

The jobs table

  • id: The primary key.

  • name: An optional name assigned by the job creator. Not used by Workshop.

  • description: Human readable description. Not used by Workshop.

  • time_created: The time stamp when this job was created.

  • scheduled_time: The time when the job will be executed. The database server’s clock is the authoritative reference.

  • enabled: If FALSE, this job will not be scheduled until somebody reverts the value to TRUE.

  • priority: Smaller number means higher priority. Default is 0.

  • plan_name: The name of the plan which is used to execute this job.

  • args: Additional command-line arguments for the plan.

  • env: Additional environment variables. Some dangerous environment variables cannot be set, though, for example LD_PRELOAD.

  • node_name: Name of the node which is currently executing this job, or NULL.

  • node_timeout: When this time stamp has passed, then the executing node is assumed to be dead, and the record can be released and reassigned to another node.

  • progress: Progress of job execution in percent. Note that you cannot assume the job is done when this number reaches 100.

  • time_started: Time stamp when the job has most recently started execution.

  • time_done: Time stamp when the job has completed execution.

  • cpu_usage: total CPU usage (user + system) of the job.

  • log: Log data written by the job to stderr.

  • exit_status: Exit code of the plan process. Negative when the process was killed by a signal.

To find out whether a job is done, check the column time_done or exit_status on NOT NULL. To wait for completion, listen on PostgreSQL notify job_done (LISTEN job_done). Its payload is the id of the job record.

Old records of completed jobs are not deleted by Workshop. The creator may find useful information here, and he is responsible for deleting it.

The client is allowed to execute the following operations:

  • Create new jobs (only name, description, scheduled_time, enabled, priority, plan_name, args may be set).

  • Modify jobs which have not yet been assigned, i.e. node_name IS NULL. Afterwards, send the notify new_job, so Workshop gets notified of the change.

  • Delete jobs which have not yet been assigned, i.e. node_name IS NULL.

  • Delete jobs which have been completed, i.e. time_done IS NOT NULL.

Control Channel

With the control_channel option enabled, the child process gets a SEQPACKET socket on file descriptor 3. It can be used to communicate with Workshop.

A datagram contains a brief text message. The first word is the command, and may be followed by space-separated parameters.

The following commands are available:

  • version: Query the Workshop version number. Workshop replies with a datagram containing version 2.0.36 (for example).

  • progress VALUE: update the job progress, which Workshop will write to the progress column. (Note that the old stdout protocol for submitting job progress is disabled if there is a control channel.)

  • setenv NAME=VALUE: Add another environment variable for the next execution via again.

  • again [SECONDS]: execute the job again (which may occur on a different node). The optional parameter specifies how many seconds shall pass at least; if present, then scheduled_time will be updated.

  • spawn TOKEN [PARAM]: Spawn a new child process. This queries the translation server, passing EXECUTE=<token>, PARAM=<param>, PLAN=<plan name>, SERVICE="workshop". Its response is expected to contain EXECUTE=<executable> etc., or STATUS=<error code> and MESSAGE=<error message> on error. After spawning the child process, Workshop replies with a datagram containing ok and a pidfd the client can poll() on to wait for it to exit; or containing error <error message>.

    This command is only available if the plan’s allow_spawn option is set and a translation_server was configured.

Cron Schedule

The schedule column follows the classic cron schedule syntax (see crontab(5)).

The special schedule “@once” can be used to execute a job once instead of periodically. It will be executed as soon as possible, and never again.

To avoid hogging the servers with too many concurrent cron jobs, a random delay is added to the scheduled execution time. The randomized delay depends on the schedule; e.g. “@hourly” will be delayed up to an hour and “@daily” will be delayed up to one day.

The cronjobs table

  • id: The primary key.

  • account_id: The user account which owns this job. This gets passed to the translation server to determine the process parameters.

  • schedule: A crontab(5)-like schedule.

  • tz: A time zone which is used to calculate the given schedule. This can be any time zone understood by PostgreSQL. A NULL value selects the UTC time zone.

  • command: A command to be executed by /bin/sh. If it starts with http:// or https://, a HTTP GET request is sent instead of spawning a child process. If it starts with urn:, then that URN will be passed to the translation server as URI payload, and the response must contain EXECUTE (may be followed by APPEND)

  • translate_param: An opaque parameter to be passed to the translation server.

  • enabled: The cron job is never run when not enabled.

  • overlapping: If false, then there is only ever one running process at a time.

  • notification: An email address which gets notified after each completion.

  • last_run: Time stamp of the most recent run (internal, do not use).

  • next_run: Time stamp of the next run (internal, do not use).

  • node_name: Name of the node which is currently executing this job, or NULL.

  • node_timeout: When this time stamp has passed, then the executing node is assumed to be dead, and the record can be released and reassigned to another node.

  • description: Human readable description. Not used by Cron.

The client is allowed to execute the following operations:

  • Create new jobs.

  • Update the schedule. This operation may clear the next_run column so the scheduler reevaluates the new schedule without waiting for the previous schedule to fire next time. This is strictly necessary for “@once” schedules.

  • Enable/disable jobs by modifying the enabled flag. This does not cancel any running process, it only affects future scheduling.

  • Update other columns such as command, translate_param, notification, description.

  • Delete jobs which are currently not running, i.e. node_name IS NULL.

Modifying jobs which are currently running should be avoided if possible; Workshop then tries to continue without affecting the current execution, and will attempt to apply the new settings after finishing.

The cronresults table

  • id: The primary key.

  • cronjob_id: A reference to the cronjobs record.

  • node_name: Name of the node which executed this job.

  • start_time: A time stamp when execution started.

  • finish_time: A time stamp when execution finished.

  • exit_status: The process exit code or the HTTP response status. A value of -1 indicates an internal error.

  • log: Text written by the process to stdout/stderr or the HTTP response body.

The client is allowed to execute the following operations:

  • Delete records.

State Directories

  • workshop/cron/NAME/enabled (boolean): enable or disable the Cron partition with the specified name.

For a description of this feature, read


Workshop is a service which executes programs based on data stored in a database. That concept is potentially dangerous, when the database has been compromised.

This makes not Workshop the target of an attack; the plans are. They should be designed in a way which makes an attack by job injection impossible. The job arguments should be validated. Jobs should not be able to pass arbitrary file paths, but codes and ids which can be validated. No generic interfaces which manipulate data, but only very concrete procedures to apply one well-defined specific job. Processes should run with the least privileges possible to reduce the potential damage from a successful attack.

The plan author is responsible for the security of his plan.


This service executes programs based on data stored in a database. That concept is potentially dangerous when the database has been compromised.

This software is designed so that untrusted clients can add new cron jobs with arbitrary commands. It is very hard to make that secure. The process spawner incorporated here gives you many tools to secure the child processes, controlled by the translation server. The beng-proxy documentation gives more details about which security features are available.

However, these security features are only effective if the Linux kernel is secure. One single kernel security vulnerability can easily compromise a Cron server remotely. It is important to always run the latest stable kernel with all known bugs fixed.